Schedule and Syllabi Archive
Schedule 23/24 Spring Semester
Schedule 23/24 Fall Semester
Schedule 22/23 Spring Semester
Schedule 22/23 Fall Semester
Infolisty / Syllabi
Below are pdfs of courses taught at BISLA, mandatory, electives, and pop-up courses.
Spring Semester 2023/2024
Theories of Political Systems and Parties Spring 24
Capstone Course: Slovakia and the Others
History of Political Thought from Plato to Marx I.
The Western Balkans and Europe’s Global Neighbourhood
International Conflict and Cooperation
Eros Today in Plato´s Symposium
Europe since the French Revolution
Journalism Democracy and Media Capture
Fall Semester 2023/2024
IL_Introduction to Political Science
History of Political Thought II. From Plato to Marx
Selected Topics in Visual Art and Architecture – Medieval to Modern: Proseminar
Introduction to Social Science Research Methods
Rómovia na Slovensku a v Európe
Global Clashes: 20th Century History
Introduction to International Relations
Úvod do medzinárodných vzťahov
News and information in the digital age
Current Development in the Middle East and Their Wider Geopolitical Implications
Spring Semester 22/23
IL_Who am I What am I Introduction to Gender
IL_Western Civilization II The Modern World
IL_Theories of Political Systems and Parties
IL_Psychology of Romantic Relationships
IL_Modern Political Philosophy
IL_Logotherapy of Viktor Frankl within the 21st
IL_International Conflict and Cooperation
IL_HoPT- Introduction to Political Philosophy- From Plato to Marx I.
IL_Existentialism in Philosophy, Literature, and Drama
IL_Europe since the French Revolution
Fall Semester 22/23
IL_HoPT- Introduction to Political Philosophy- From Plato to Marx II.
IL_Contemporary Political Philosophy
IL_Western Civilization I The Ancient World
IL_Vybrané problémy dejín výtvarného a vizuálneho umenia
IL_Thucydides- History of the Peloponnesian War
IL_The Crisis of the Individual and Society in Fin-de-siecie Culture (1880-1920)
IL_Introduction to Social Science Research Methods
IL_Introduction to Political Science
IL_Introduction to Modern China
IL_Introduction to International Relations
IL_Introduction to Greek History and Culture- The Tragedies of Sophocles
Older Syllabi
We are now accepting applications for the Academic Year 2025/2026