Co-Curricular Learning: Societies

All BISLA students are encouraged to participate in the co-curricular learning opportunities at BISLA. We know that academics are only one part of your life and BISLA values community and civic engagement, as well as activities that facilitate the growth and the development of the whole person, so each semester students create their own societies or clubs.  Co-curricular leaders receive 2 credits.

Active Societies and Clubs



Hiking SocietyIL PonteFilm Nights
Spending time in nature and resting our mindsThe BISLA student journalWe enjoy quality movies with popcorn, and analyze them afterwards through discussion

Eco Society Philosophy Society Sport Society
We will make Bratislava beautiful again!For all complex question there is a simple answer and, it is wrong.No pain = No gain

Culinary Society Board Games Society Chess society
When food is loveDungeons & DragonsChess is the art that expresses the science of logic

Art Society
Art speaks where words are unable to explain

Former Societies and Clubs

We Will Rock You! Book club Yoga Class
Rock climbing. Pure and simple.Discussing content and ideasAnybody can breath and practice YOGA


We are now accepting applications for the Academic Year 2025/2026

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