Hiking Society
Stredy večer na BISLE patria jóge s Dagmar Petrovou.
Wednesday evenings at BISLA are filled with yoga with Dagmar Petrova.
Marina Avram
Patrícia Beličková (Class of 2022)
Viktória Križanová (Class of 2022)
Terézia Dominika Lukáčová (Class of 2022)
Ivona Mičeková (Class of 2020)
Annamária Pšenková (Class of 2022)
Tomáš Štrba (Class of 2022)
Alex Tršťanský (Class of 2022)
Barbora Šmajdová (Class of 2022)
We are now accepting applications for the Academic Year 2022/2023