
List of Alumni – click to open

BISLA Alumni:

Filip Lupsina (The Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava) Bisla has confronted me with essential products of human thought and critical thinking that have given me a wide scope of knowledge and practical skills that enable me to pursue my goals with a sense of agency and self-confidence every day. I am thankful I could experience such a diverse community of talented students and supportive professors whose connections last and are valued after graduation.

Alex Nemec (KU Leuven – Philosophy) BISLA taught me that proper education is neither about grades nor the diploma. Instead, its aim should be to stir one’s curiosity. Curiosity finds pleasure, where indifference finds only boredom and labour.

Lucia Kobzová (Sciences Po – Digital, New Technology, and Public Policies) BISLA is a first and foremost a strong and diverse community where one experiences both thought-provoking intellectual debates and support for fulfiling one´s full potential. Caring teachers and talented students are what make BISLA an exquisite educational institution.

Barbara Kelemen (London School of Economics) BISLA alumnus 2017: For me, BISLA will always be the place where all your aspirations and ideals can come true. In addition to providing one with a second home, the fact that every single person at BISLA is a part of the community does wonders and creates the atmosphere where everything is possible. Besides, there is no other place where discussions and conversations are so meaningful and personal as they are in our favourite BISLA’s living room.

Ľuba Riapošová, BISLA alumna 2010: The main lesson I took away from BISLA was the ability to consider things in context, analyse them critically, and not take anything for granted. I gained the ability to express and to defend my point of view. Besides that, I had a chance to meet truly unique people during the three wonderful years of my studies at BISLA.

Jozef Majerník, BISLA alumnus 2012: I have loved reading books since I was a child, but it was only BISLA that really taught me to read them and find in them entire hidden worlds. Experienced professors and enthusiastic schoolmates provided consistently excellent support for this demanding, though very important, effort. What I learned at BISLA has become the basis of my success up to now and in the future.

Adam Petrikovič, BISLA alumnus 2014: Studying at BISLA gave me much… new schoolmates, great friends, unique lecturers and numerous unforgettable experiences. And above all, studying at BISLA has taught me to think – face problems and search for solutions in a way that is somewhat strange to present-day man. Indeed, it was BISLA that taught me that more important than the answer is the question itself. BISLA is different… it is individual, personal, intimate. It is critical. It is modern while still founded on tradition. It is all about what a young and curious person can wish for… and even much more!

Eva Krajňáková, BISLA alumnus 2012: I decided to study at BISLA not only for its attractive courses, taught by prominent experts primarily in English, but also because next to acquiring knowledge, this college emphasizes critical thinking that enables its alumni to act with aplomb in various environments and professional settings. Thanks to BISLA, I have become self-confident when talking to significant people in political and cultural life. I believe that other Slovak schools would not have enabled me to develop my personality to such a level, which makes me grateful to this one.



We are now accepting applications for the Academic Year 2025/2026

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