Study at BISLA
How to apply for a semester at BISLA
If your university is an exchange partner with BISLA, you can apply for a study abroad period at your own school’s international office.
If your school is not among the listed partner institutions, we encourage you to contact our International Studies Coordinator Lucia Sulíková on the following email address: [email protected]
Application deadlines:
- Fall Semester: April 30
- Spring Semester: November 15
Once you have been selected by your home institution, fill out and submit the Exchange Application Form.
Please do not forget to send us the following:
- a photo of yourself
- a scan or copy of your transcripts
- a scan or copy of your advisor’s approval (if applicable)
After receiving your application, BISLA will send you a confirmation email and start the admission procedure by evaluating your educational background and course selection. An interview via Skype will also be scheduled. Applicants are notified of acceptance or rejection usually within a month of the initial application.
Housing: BISLA has no on-campus housing or dorms. However, BISLA staff assist international students in finding accommodation near the school.
Ask us for a BISLA Course Catalogue to see courses available during the semester you have chosen to study at BISLA. For more information about BISLA, click here.
Visa Support for International students
Info in Slovak
Študenti, ktorí sú občanmi USA a prídu na Slovensko študovať na menej ako 90 dní, nepotrebujú na štúdium žiadne vízum ani pobyt. Po dobu 90 dní v akomkoľvek 180-dňovom období sa na Slovensku môžu zdržiavať len s platným pasom, teda v rámci bezvízového styku. Sú len povinní informovať cudzineckú políciu o začiatku, mieste a predpokladanej dĺžke pobytu, a to prostredníctvom vyplneného formulára Hlásenie pobytu, ktorý musia polícii doručiť do troch pracovných dní od vstupu na Slovensko. Túto povinnosť nemajú v prípade, že budú ubytovaní v ubytovacom zariadení, napr. na internáte, keďže vtedy ich pobyt nahlási internát.
Študenti, ktorí prichádzajú na obdobie dlhšie ako tri mesiace s podporou štipendia (zoznam štipendijných programov nájdete na stránke TU), môžu požiadať o národné víza v záujme SR na obdobie maximálne jedného roka.
Študenti, ktorí prichádzajú na obdobie dlhšie ako tri mesiace bez podpory štipendia (napr. free-moveri, alebo študenti riadneho štúdia), môžu požiadať o udelenie prechodného pobytu na účel štúdia. Zoznam dokladov, ktoré musia k svojej žiadosti predložiť, nájdete v infokarte. Do pozornosti dávame aj letáčik Čo potrebuješ vedieť ako študent s prechodným pobytom na Slovensku.
Svoju žiadosť o udelenie národného víza alebo prechodného pobytu môžu občania USA podať buď na Veľvyslanectve SR vo Washingtone, Generálnom konzuláte SR v New Yorku alebo po príchode na Slovensku v rámci obdobia bezvízového styku na oddelení cudzineckej polície. Na podanie žiadosti na cudzineckej polícii je potrebné mať vopred rezervovaný termín.
Info in English
Students who are citizens of the USA and come to Slovakia for studying for less than 90 days do not require any visa or residence permit. During the 90 days within any 180-day period, they can stay in Slovakia with only a valid passport, within the visa-free regime. They are obligated, however, to inform the foreign police about the beginning, location, and expected duration of their stay by completing the Stay Report form, which they must submit to the police within three working days of entering Slovakia. This obligation does not apply if they are accommodated in a lodging facility, such as a dormitory, as the dormitory will report their stay.
Students coming for a period longer than three months with scholarship support (a list of scholarship programs) can apply for national visas for a maximum period of one year.
Students coming for a period longer than three months without scholarship support (e.g., free movers or regular students) can apply for a temporary residence permit for the purpose of study. The list of documents they need to submit with their application can be found in our information leaflet. We also draw attention to the brochure “What you need to know as a student with temporary residence in Slovakia“.
Citizens of the USA can submit their application for a national visa or temporary residence either at the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Washington, the Consulate General of the Slovak Republic in New York, or upon arrival in Slovakia during the visa-free period at the foreign police department. It is necessary to have a pre-booked appointment for submitting the application at the foreign police.
Tuition fee
There is no application fee for submitting an online application to BISLA.
Slovak citizens: Tuition for the academic year 2022/2023 is 900 EUR per semester, 1800 EUR for the academic year for the students from the European Union.
Tuition fee for non-EU residents is 4,250 EUR per semester.
BISLA students can apply for social and merit stipends from state funds.
Besides these stipends, BISLA offers assistance from its own funds: 10 presidential scholarships are offered per academic year for excellent results and for extra-curricular contribution to BISLA community.
Bank account information
Bank name: Unicredit Bank
IBAN: SK75 1111 0000 0014 2935 7007
Constant symbol: 0558
Variable symbol: ID number
Experiences of exchange Students at BISLA
All the students that come for a semester to BISLA are warmly welcomed both by our students and professors. Students have the opportunity to experience an unconventional style of education where the emphasis is on a highly individual approach towards students. During classes you are encouraged to discuss various topics in small groups. Our exchange students appreciate that they can freely express their opinions while having the support from our professors through regular one-on-one consultations. But most importantly they are grateful for our inclusive BISLA community that our students created. Students are encouraged to take part in BISLA extra-curricular activities such as movie nights, garden parties, trips and many others.
Every year BISLA welcomes several students from various countries such as Germany, Netherlands, Hong Kong, Russia, Czech Republic, and many others.
Sophie Yim
“Studying at BISLA was such an eye-opening experience that subverted all the kind of “asian” education that I have received. The openminded atmosphere in class allowed us to have a great discussion with classmates and lecturers in which the topic could be even not related to the class. Morever I met passionated and knowledgeable classmates who devote themselves to their own goals and interests. Meeting great people and studying with the joy of acquiring meaningful knowledge were the best parts of having an exchange semester at BISLA.”
Dave Poon
“Studying at BISLA was a fascinating experience. All the students were very knowledgeable and passionate about liberal arts, from Socrates to Modern middle east politics. Professors not only delivered textbook knowledge but also sparked interest and encouraged critical thinking for the students. And I was constantly reminded that I could always get support from my peers, both academically and personally. After the 4-months journey in BISLA, I took home knowledge and heart-warming memories that I still treasure today.”
We are now accepting applications for the Academic Year 2025/2026