
BISLA adheres to the highest standards of quality and professionalism. In all our documents, we provide as much data as possible. Our study program focuses on quality education, rich and meaningful student activities and practical experiences via internships. In this section, you will find all the documents about the BISLA Internal Quality System, guarantors of the study program and internal academic/scientific workers.

Dokumenty k Rade pre Kvalitu a Vnútornému Systému:

Vnútorný systém zabezpečovania kvality vysokoškolského vzdelávania Bratislavskej medzinárodnej školy liberálnych štúdií / Proces tvorby, schvaľovania, úpravy a uskutočňovania študijného programu, monitoringu…

Vnútorná hodnotiaca správa o implementácii vnútorného systému vysokej školy 22/23
Internal evaluation report on the implementation of the internal system of the higher education institution 22/23

Dlhodobý zámer BISLA 2024-2030

Rada pre kvalitu BISLA

Akreditačná rada BISLA

BISLA Internal documents / Vnútorné dokumenty BISLA

Description of internal academic/scientific workers and selected publications:

Samuel Abrahám
Dagmar Kusá
František Novosád
Iveta Radičová


We are now accepting applications for the Academic Year 2025/2026

Študuj kvalitne

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