Dagmar Kusá, PhD.

Assistant Professor, Undergraduate Studies Coordinator

Contact details

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +421 2 59234 303

Office: Room 303, Blue building

View Dr. Kusá’s profile on Academia.edu




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Dagmar Kusá received her MA in political science from Comenius University her PhD. in political science from Boston University. Prior to BISLA, Dagmar worked in the Slovak Helsinki Committee for Human Rights and served on its Board of Directors. In 2008/2009, she served as a projects coordinator at EUROCLIO, the European Association of History Educators in the Hague. Since 2004, Dagmar was the Program Director at the Bostonian International Center for Conciliation, where she remains affiliated as a Senior Fellow and trainer in identity conflicts transformation.  Her primary academic interests include the political use of collective memory, ethnic identity, citizenship and minorities, at present focusing on the manifestations of cultural trauma in public discourse. She serves as the country expert on citizenship at the European Democratic Observatory (at EUI) and co-organizes a global annual Muslim-Jewish Conference. She is the Vice President of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Slovakia.

Research interests

My current research focuses on the quality of democracy in countries transitioning from totalitarian or authoritarian regimes and its relation to the institutional choices of addressing the past, particularly in the context of South African and Central European transitions.

Previous research projects concerned the area of citizenship – as a status and as political practice, as well as a narrative interpretation. I also utilize narrative approach to study cultural trauma in political discourse, especially in the Slovak-Hungarian relations. Other areas of research interest involve human rights, minorities, ethnic conflict and conflict transformation. Of special interest is the use of narrative approaches (and historical narratives) in conflict transformation.


Vyučované kurzy na BISLA od akad. roku 2017/2018


Názov kurzu:  

Akad. rok 


Comparative Politics

ZS 2017/2018, ZS 2018/2019, ZS 2019/2020, ZS 2020/2021, ZS 2021/2022, ZS 2022/2023, ZS 2023/2024, ZS 2024/2025

Dagmar Kusá

Theories of Political Parties

LS 2017/2018, LS 2018/2019, LS 2019/2020, LS 2020/2021, LS 2022/2023, LS 2023/2024

Dagmar Kusá

International Conflict and Cooperation: Narratives of Peace, Conflict and Justice

LS 2017/2018, LS 2018/2019, LS 2019/2020, LS 2020/2021, LS 2021/2022, LS 2022/2023, LS 2023/2024

Dagmar Kusá

Bachelor Thesis Seminar

ZS 2018/2019, ZS 2019/2020, ZS 2021/2022

Dagmar Kusá

Introduction to Social Science Research Methods

ZS 2020/2021, LS 2021/2022, ZS 2022/2023, ZS 2023/2024

Dagmar Kusá

Enemies, neighbors, friends: Ethnic conflict, history, and memory in Central Europe

ZS 2024/2025

Dagmar Kusá

Awards and Fellowships

Global Crossroads Award towards the project project “Student-faculty Field Research on ‘Gen-narrations’ of Reconciliation, Violence, and forms of Political Participation in Post-Apartheid South Africa”. 2018

Julie Kidd Research Travel Fellowship in support of research Heritage of the Past and the Quality of Democracy in Slovakia. 2017-2018.

Global Liberal Arts Alliance and Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Foundation. Global Connected Course support grant towards International Conflict and Cooperation between Bratislava International School of Liberal Arts, Hope College, and American University in Beirut. Spring 2016.

Global Liberal Arts Alliance. Connected Course support grant towards “Narratives of Peace, Conflict, and Justice: Transition in the Post-apartheid South Africa” between Bratislava International School of Liberal Arts and Denison University. Spring 2014.

Great Lakes Colleges Association. “Digital Humanities: student-faculty research project.” Travel grant to conduct research in the Library of Congress. July/August 2013.

International Center for Conciliation Graduate Research Grant, 2006-2007 Academic Year- Boston University.

Institution fur die Wissenschaften vom Menschen. Junior Visiting Fellowship. 2005.

Open Society Foundation. Global Supplementary Support Grant. 2003-2004.

Outstanding Teaching Fellow Award, 2001-2002 Academic Year – Boston University

Travel Grant, University of Swansea and Boston University. April 2003.

Teaching Fellowship, Boston University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Department of Political Science. 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006


Research projects

FIANS. Philosophical Anthropology and the Contemporary Civilizational Situation. APVV-15-0682. June 1 2016 – May 31 2020.

ANTICORRP: Antricorruption Policies Revisited: Global Trends and European Responses to the Challenge of Corruption. Co-funded by the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Development of the European Union.2015

ACIT. Access To citizenship and its impact on immigrant integration (ACIT). EUDO Observatory on Citizenship (European University Institute), the European Fund for the Integration of Third-country Nationals (administered by DG Home Affairs). Country Expert and Researcher. http://eudo-citizenship.eu/

IMPIC. “Immigration Policies in Comparison” (IMPIC). Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB). Emmy Noether Programme of the German Research Foundation. 2012-2015. Researcher. http://www.impic-project.eu/

EUCITAC. Access to Citizenship in Europe (EUCITAC). Európska komisia DG JLS. 2008-2010. 499.752 EUR. Country Expert and Researcher.

Central European Dictionary of Political Concepts (Res Publica Nowa). 2010-2012. Visegrad Fund, researcher and author.

Global Leadership Project. Boston University Political Science Department The Clinton Global Initiative at Boston University. The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future at Boston University. 2010 – 2012. researcher. http://glp.bu.edu/

THE WORLD BANK GRANT IDF 027319 SK THE PROJECT OF CAPACITY BUILDING of the Secretariat of the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Roma Communities. Study stay of Roma Youth Initiative in the U.S.A. Date: 28. September 28 – October 11. 2002. Coordinator and Interpreter