
Doc. Samuel Abrahám, PhD.

Doc. Samuel Abrahám, PhD.

Doc. Samuel Abrahám, PhD. Associate Professor Samuel Abrahám, PhD. BISLA President Email: [email protected] Tel: +421 905 727 785 Office: Top floor, Courtyard (Yellow) Building VUPCH: VUPCH Abrahám Born and grew up in Bratislava and emigrated from Czechoslovakia to...

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Prof. PhDr. Iveta Radičová, PhD.

Prof. PhDr. Iveta Radičová, PhD.

Prof. PhDr. Iveta Radičová, PhD.Professor Contact details Email: [email protected] Tel: +421 2 59 234 312 Office: Ground Floor, Courtyard (Yellow) Building VUPCH: VUPCH Radičová Radičová VTC 1Radičová VTC 2Radičová VTC 3Radičová VTC 4Radičová VTC 5 Publications:...

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Prof. PhDr. František Novosád, CSc.

Prof. PhDr. František Novosád, CSc.

Prof. PhDr. František Novosád, CSc.Prof. PhDr. František Novosád, CSc., studied Philosophy and Political Economy at Comenius University Bratislava After graduation he lectured history of philosophy on Department of Philosophy of Comenius University Bratislava. PhD...

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Dagmar Kusá, PhD.

Dagmar Kusá, PhD.

Dagmar Kusá, PhD. Assistant Professor, Undergraduate Studies CoordinatorContact details Email: [email protected] Tel: +421 2 59234 303 Office: Room 303, Blue building View Dr. Kusá’s profile on Academia.edu VUPCH: VUPCH Kusá Kusá VTC 1Kusá VTC 2Kusá VTC 3Kusá VTC 4Kusá...

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Adam Bence Balazs

Adam Bence Balazs

Adam Bence Balazs is a lecturer at the German Andrássy University in Budapest and the Bratislava International School of Liberal Arts. Formerly a post-doctoral researcher at Sofia University St. Kliment ‘Ohridski’ and a visiting fellow at the Graduate Institute...

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Egon Gál

Egon Gál

Egon GálVyštudoval Chemickotechnologickú fakultu Slovenskej vysokej školy technickej. Od roku 1990 sa venuje filozofii, špecializuje sa na oblasť filozofie mysle, filozofie sociálnych vied a kognitívnu vedu. V rokoch 1990-1995 bol vedúcim Katedry humanistiky na...

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JUDr. Sylvia Tiryaki, PhD.

JUDr. Sylvia Tiryaki, PhD.

JUDr. Sylvia Tiryaki, PhD.Sylvia Tiryaki is a political scientist with an expertise in international public law and international conflicts. Currently, Dr. Tiryaki lectures on topics of international public law, international conflicts, human rights at Bratislava...

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Mgr. Clarissa do Nascimento Tabosa, PhD.

Mgr. Clarissa do Nascimento Tabosa, PhD.

Mgr. Clarissa do Nascimento Tabosa, PhD.Clarissa do Nascimento Tabosa is a researcher at the Institute of European Studies and International Relations, Comenius University. In 2018, she spent a semester as a visiting researcher at the Center for Comparative...

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Lucas A. Sprouse, MAHR.

Lucas A. Sprouse, MAHR.

Lucas A. Sprouse, MAHR. Lucas A. Sprouse received his Master of Applied Historical Research from Boise State University in the United States, where he also taught as a Graduate Teaching Assistant. While pursuing his Master’s, he worked with the Basque Museum which...

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Ing. Martin Hudcovský, PhD.

Ing. Martin Hudcovský, PhD.

Ing. Martin Hudcovský, PhD. Martin Hudcovský is an assistant professor at the University of Economics in Bratislava and researcher at Institute of Economic Research at Slovak Academy of Sciences. In 2015, he finished his doctoral studies in the field of economic...

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Dávid Čársky

Dávid Čársky

Dávid Čársky (1959) is an artist and art educator. Since 1995 full-time faculty at VŠVU (Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava), where he teaches drawing to the students of art conservation.Education 1992 M.F.A., Department of Printmaking, VŠVU (AFAD)1986-1992...

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Ivan Rác

Ivan Rác

Ivan Rác je docentom sociálnej práce na UKF v Nitre. Venuje sa prevencii rizikových javov, najmä násiliu na ženách. Je autorom viacerých vedeckých článkov a monografií. Pôsobil ako odborný garant v národnom projekte Prevencia a eliminácia násilia na ženách a Šanca na...

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Peter Hanák

Peter Hanák

Mgr. Peter Hanák Ph.D., LL.M. is a journalist at Aktuality.sk (Ringier) and a university lecturer. He studied journalism (Comenius University) and then law and economics (at universities in Rotterdam, Hamburg and Haifa). The topic of his doctoral research at Charles...

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