Student Journal IL PONTE

Spotlight: Tomáš Čorej

    1. Who is Tomáš Čorej? If you had to tell St. Peter at the gates of Heaven what it is that drives and motivates you, what you hope for and strive for, what would you tell him? I am a 21-year old student of liberal arts with a strong attachment to the...

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Mgr. Clarissa do Nascimento Tabosa, PhD.

Mgr. Clarissa do Nascimento Tabosa, PhD.

Interview | Clarissa Tabosa -How would you define yourself? Both in your career and personal life. I think there’s not much difference between how I am in my career and my personal life. I’m a very methodical, focused, and responsible person. Both in my career and my...

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James Thomson, BA

James Thomson, BA

Interview | James Thomson Could you introduce yourself in a few words, for people who don’t know much about you? I'm from the UK, I grew up mostly near Oxford. I teach at BISLA, but I'm not a full-time teacher. I've worked as a journalist, as an editor and as various...

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Ing. František Gyárfáš, PhD.

Ing. František Gyárfáš, PhD.

Rozhovor | František Gyárfáš Ivona Mičeková | 14. apríl 2019   Poznáme Vás ako informatika, programátora, vysokoškolského učiteľa či milovníka filmov. Ako sa ale vidíte vy sám?   Ako všetko, čo ste vymenovali. Kedysi som mal z tejto "nesústredenosti" trochu...

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