Prof. PhDr. Iveta Radičová, PhD.
Contact details
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +421 2 59 234 312
Office: Ground Floor, Courtyard (Yellow) Building
Výberové konanie 2024 – podklady
Podklady – Radicova
Radičová VTC 1
Radičová VTC 2
Radičová VTC 3
Radičová VTC 4
Radičová VTC 5
Publications are currently being transferred into the system CREPČ2.
Publications – transfer to CREPČ2
Research interests
Her academic interests include social policy and the politics and identity of the European Union.
Research projects
Board of the project: New Pact for EU, Brussels, 2016 – 2017
Local Team Leader: Roma and Labour Market, World Bank, 1999 – 2001
Local Team Leader: Monitoring the Development of Social Protection Reform in the CEEC, CONSENSUS II, Project ZZ-9710-0016, 1998 – 2000
Local Team Leader: Poverty, Ethnicity, Gender, coordinated by Yale University, 1998 – 2002 (emphasis on Roma position in Slovakia in comparison with Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Russia)
Coordinator: Comparative Analysis of the Czech and Slovak Social Policies since 1989, START & S.P.A.C.E. June 1995 – December 1996
Coordinator of Democracy seminar in SR with New School for Social Research, New York 1990 – 1994
Coordinator and Workshop Chairman: Social Justice – Reality and Understanding, for Fifth ISSEI conference 1996
Coordinator and Workshop Chairman: The State and the Market: State regulation and/or self-regulation, ISSEI
Coordinator: Oral history – Czech and Slovak Relations, Milan Šimečka Foundation 1992 – 1995
Coordinator: What kind of social policy model will promote the economic transformation in Slovakia? Foundation S.P.A.C.E. Social Policy Analysis Center in international project Social Costs of Economic Transformation in Central Europe coordinated by IWM in cooperation with University of Umea, Dep. of Sociology, Sweden 1993 – 1995
Coordinator: The Change of the Sociocultural Patterns in the Regions and in the Slovak Society, in cooperation University of East London, Department of Sociology 1991 – 1993
Current Introduction to Political Sociology
Political Science 4: The European Union
Past Social Policy
European Union
Selected publications
Slovensko – Kroky k európskemu spoločenstvu, 1. Scenár sociálno – politických súvislostí do roku 2005, spoluautorka, Sociologický ústav SAV, Bratislava , 1993, ISBN 80-85544-04-0
Postoje k ekonomickej transformácii, in : Slovensko a jeho premeny na začiatku 90. rokov, Spoločnosť – Ekonomika – Veda a technika, Sociologický ústav SAV, Bratislava 1994, ISBN 80-85544-09-1
Pre ľudí a o ľuďoch, Bratislava 1995, editor : Iveta Radičová„ Vlády prichádzajú a odchádzajú, problémy zostávajú „, ISBN 80-967403-0-X
Krížne cesty sociálneho poznania, Bratislava 1996, ISBN 80-967403-2-6
Obsahová analýza vybranej zahraničnej tlače o dianí na Slovensku v roku 1995, Výskumné centrum Slovenskej spoločnosti pre zahraničnú politiku, 1997/4, ISBN 80-967690-1-4
Vieme čo odmietame a vieme čo chceme? (Životné stratégie občanov Slovenska), Bratislava 1998, ISBN 80-967403-6-9
Sociálna politika a sociálna situácia (spolu s H. Wolekovou), in: Slovensko 1997 Súhrnná správa o stave spoločnosti a trendoch na rok 1998, IVO Bratislava, 1998, ISBN 80-967739-8-4
O jednom osude sociálnej reformy, in: Sociálna politika na Slovensku, editor, S.P.A.C.E., Bratislava, 1998, 82 693 znakov – 50 str.
ISBN: 80-967403-7-7
Sociálna politika , in: Voľby 1998, IVO, Bratislava 1998, ISBN: 80-88935-00-8
Sociálna politika na Slovensku. (ed.), Nadácia S.P.A.C.E., Bratislava 1998, ISBN: 80-967403-7-7
Zdravie, práca, dôchodok (Zdravotná politika, ne/zamestnanosť a dôchodkové zabezpečenie v SR/, spoluautori H. Woleková, J. Nemec, Centrum pre zdravotnú politiku a stratégie, Nadácia S.P.A.C.E., Bratislava 1999, ISBN: 80-967403-9-3
Report on Slovak Higher Education and Research, in : Issues in Transition 1994, Transformation of the National Higher Education and Research Systems of Central Europe, vol. 7, IWM, Viedeň, 1994, ISSN 1051-4694, ISBN 0-7623-0153-8
Training Profiles in Public Sector : Case or SR, OECD/SIGMA/PHARE, May 1996, Paris
Ethic in the Enterprise, in: Business Ethics in East and Central Europe, edited by Peter Koslowski, Springer – Verlag, Berlin Heideiberg New York, 1997, ISBN 3-540-63367-7
Die Zukunft der Hochschulen in der Slowakei, in: Hochschulpolitik in Ostmitteleuropa 1945-1995, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, New York, Paris, Wien 1996, editor: Peter Bachmaier, ISBN: 3-631-49821-7
Statism, Egalitarism and Transition: The case of Slovakia, in: International Review of Comparative Public Policy, Vol.7, 1996 JAI Press Inc., ISBN: 0-7623-0153-8
Tri roky od začiatku ekonomickej reformy : Áno, ale …, in : Slovensko rok po. Cesty a križovatky nového štátu očami jeho obyvateľov, Sociologické nakladatelství, Praha 1994
Sociální politika v Čechách a na Slovensku po roce 1989 Karolinum, nakladatelství Univerzity Karlovy, Praha 1998, ISBN 80-7184-622-8, s. 7 – 89, 60 str.
Hic Sunt Romales, Nadácia S.P.A.C.E., Bratislava 2001, ISBN 80-88991-13-7
S.O.S., Sociálna Ochrana na Slovensku, S.P.A.C.E, n.o., Bratislava 2003, ISBN 80-88991-17-X
Vývoj riešenia hmotnej núdze medzi rokmi 2004 – 2014 (spolu s Ľ. Navrátilová), EÚ SAV, Bratislava 2014, ISBN: 978-80-7144-230-1
Sociálny systém. Skutočnosť a vízia (in Michal Páleník a kol.), kapitola 3., Inštitút zamestnanosti, Bratislava 2014, ISBN: 978-80-970204-5-3
Vývoj a formovanie sociálnej práca v kontexte vybraných predstaviteľov, Kmec Miroslav, Lachytová Lenka, Storoška Marek, kap. Iveta Radičová, International School of Management Slovakia, Prešov, 2014, ISBN: 978-80-89372-47-8
Inkluzívny rast v stratégii Európa 2020. Naivita alebo genialita, Viliam Páleník a kol., kapitola 7.1., EÚ SAV Bratislava 2015, ISBN: 978-80-7144-250-9
Seven Slovak Women, Baer Josette, chapter VI., ibidem-Verlag Stuttgart 2015, ISBN: 13:978-3-8382-0638-7
Visions of the Marketing Management of NPOs in the European Context, Hvizdová Eva,Jr., Langová Janette, Hvizdová Eva, Mainz, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-936172-32-4
Europe Reforms Labour Markets, by Aart De Geus, Eric Thode, Christiane Weidenfeld, chapter 10., Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-11-036577-1
To be or not to Be – European Union?, Kritika a Kontext, Bratislava 2016, ISBN: 978-80-971827-0-0
Selected studies
Privatisation : the case of Slovakia, in : History of European Ideas, Programon Press, vol. 17, No. 6, Oxford – New York – Seoul – Tokyo, 1993, p. 735 – 741ISSN 0191 – 6599/93
Attitudes to the present Economic Situation in Slovakia, Acta Oeconomica, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, vol. 46, No. 1 – 2, 1994, p. 199 – 211, ISSN 0001 – 6373
Splitting Welfare State : The Czech and Slovak Cases, Social Research, vol. 64, no. 4, New York, 1998, str. 1549 – 1589, spolu s M. Potuček (počet znakov 78 463, 43,5 normalizovaných str.), ISSN 0037-783X
Risk/Security – Two features of social justice (Slovak case of transition), in: Memory, History and Critique: European Identity at the Millenium, Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, University for Humanist Studies, Utrecht, the Netherlands, CD ROM, 1998, ISBN: 90-73022-11-8
The Racionalization and Feminization of Poverty in Central Europe, Slovak Report (with M. Vašečka), in: Workshop On racionalization and Feminization of Poverty in Post-Communist Central and Southern Europe, Budapest, 1998, 31 str.
Two Social Policies from One: The Czech and Slovak Example, (spolu s M. Potuček), SOCO Project Paper No. 50, IWM, Vienna 1997 (43 str.), recenzenti: Susan Ladika, Marianne Obi
Impact Analysis of the Non-Profit Sector in Slovakia, (spolu s H. Woleková), SOCO project paper No. 68, IWM, Vienna 1999, (29 str.), recenzent: Paul Robinson
International work
New Pact for EU, 2016
National Expert. MISSOC, TRESS, FRESSCO, 2004 –
Coordinator: SPECIAL – Social protection in Europe, Convergence? Integration, Accession and Labour – 5th EU supporting program, 2002 – 2004
Local Team Leader: “Mutual Information System on Social Protection in the Central and Eastern European Countries”, 2002 – 2003
Local Team Leader: Poverty, Ethnicity, Gender, coordinated by Yale University, (emphasis on Roma position in Slovakia in comparison with Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Russia), 1998 – 2002
Local Team Leader: Monitoring the Development of Social Protection Reform in the CEEC, CONSENSUS II, Project ZZ-9710-0016, 1998 – 2000
Coordinator: What kind of social policy model will promote the economic transformation in Slovakia? Foundation S.P.A.C.E. Social Policy Analysis Center in international project Social Costs of Economic Transformation in Central Europe coordinated by IWM in cooperation with University of Umea, Dep. of Sociology, Sweden, 1993 – 1995
Coordinator: The Change of the Sociocultural Patterns in the Regions and in the Slovak Society, in cooperation University of East London, Department of Sociology, 1991 – 1993
Coordinator of Democracy seminar in SR with New School for Social Research, New York ( MISSCEEC , 1990 – 1994