APU Winter School 2023

APU Winter School Experience Today, we are featuring an article written by Muhammad Rayhansyah Jasin of Asia Pacific University. Muhammad participated in a field study program titled Experiencing Media, Culture, and Creative: Television, Film, Photography, and Theatre...

Výberové konanie na miesto docenta

Výberové konanie na miesto docenta Rektor Bratislavskej medzinárodnej školy liberálnych štúdií (BISLA) v súlade s § 77 ods. 1, 5 a 6 zákona č. 131/2002 Z. z. o vysokých školách a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov (ďalej len „zákon o...

Workshop on Chat GPT

Workshop on Chat GPT We would like to chat about Chat GPT and its potential in learning and how to live with it in harmony, as it is not likely to vanish anytime soon. One of our students, Lucia Kobzová, who has more expertise with AI than all of us combined, will be...
APU Winter School (2023) at BISLA

APU Winter School (2023) at BISLA

APU Winter School at BISLA Experiencing Media and Culture: Television, Film, Photography, and Theatre of Slovakia This year, we welcome the 8th annual winter school visitors from the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University at BISLA. The winter school provides an insight...

BISLA at a university fair

BISLA at a university fair Today we presented BISLA at the Gymnázium Jura Hronca at their university fair. Students were excited to hear about BISLA and student life, activities, and studies. They welcomed the broad possibilities for exchanges abroad that BISLA offers...