by admin | Nov 10, 2022 | Faculty
Lucas A. Sprouse, MAHR. Lucas A. Sprouse received his Master of Applied Historical Research from Boise State University in the United States, where he also taught as a Graduate Teaching Assistant. While pursuing his Master’s, he worked with the Basque Museum which...
by admin | Nov 10, 2022 | Faculty
Ing. Martin Hudcovský, PhD. Martin Hudcovský is an assistant professor at the University of Economics in Bratislava and researcher at Institute of Economic Research at Slovak Academy of Sciences. In 2015, he finished his doctoral studies in the field of economic...
by admin | Aug 18, 2022 | Alumni interviews
Paula Svatoňová | Class of 2019 | “I would say: be as active as possible but do what you are interested in.” Paula graduated in 2019. She is currently studying Human Rights and Humanitarian Action at Sciences Po in Paris. Even now, she is willing to take part in BISLA...
by admin | Aug 18, 2022 | Alumni interviews
Matej Bílik | Class of 2020 | Matej Bílik is familiar to most of us at BISLA. He graduated only last year, and has remained an active member of our community ever since, helping out with Orientation Week or just popping by for a chat. We have asked him to tell us more...
by admin | Aug 18, 2022 | Alumni interviews
Alžbeta Hájková | Class of 2013 | 27. február 2020 | Ivona Mičeková 1.Čomu všetkému sa momentálne vo svojom živote venuješ? Momentálne som v 5. ročníku doktorandského štúdia politickej filozofie na Purdue Universite v americkej Indiane. Popri písaní...