Project AI Aware Universities

Project AI Aware Universities

    AI AWARE UNIVERSITIES During the first week of July, BISLA took part in the initial planning workshop of the project AI Aware Universities: Empowering University Communities for Ethical Use of AI. The project is a part of the Digital Democracy...
Diskusia: Ivan Mikloš

Diskusia: Ivan Mikloš

      Pozývame Vás na prezentáciu najnovšieho čísla Kritiky & Kontext (61:XXVI 2024). Toto monotematické číslo, v slovenčine a v angličtine, sa venuje dvom najvýznamnejším ekonómom 20. storočia. Keynes-Hayek: Dvaja architekti kapitalizmu/Two...
Elective courses offering for Fall 2024

Summer School ’24

    At the turn of June and July, a group of BISLA students along with BISLA alumn Jonáš Jánsky explored the events leading up to the 1989 November Revolution and the events of the first revolutionary months in an intensive course 1989 revolution(s) and...